Data management and advertising for life sciences



There are two versions of the server. one for Unix /Linux and other for Windows. Both are same, except the way they are installed.

Click on the icon to download the Unix/Linux or the Windows version.

Installation instruction


The clients are unique to each server instance. They should be ideally downloaded from the server instance they are trying to connect. The clients below are abstract and may require modifications before using. 

  1. egenv
  2. R
  3. Python
  4. Java

 Licence and price

All components of the EGDMS are free of charge. The project this software is part of was completed using a grant (eVita) from The Research Council of Norway. The software components otherwise sepcified below are coverd by Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic (CC BY 2.5) license. Third party libraries distributed with the full version (what is available for download here) may have different licence requirements (described below). If you wich to obtian a version without these third part dependancies please contact us by email. 

Third part libariries included: