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The eGenVar has a server and clients. A server is a software that can communicate with other software known as clients. Whenever someone or a machine wants to provide new data to the server or asks for something from it,a client must be used. Just like you would use a translator to communicate with someone who speaks a language you do not understand.

The server collects all the information the clients provides to it and organize it in a database. This makes it possible to look for things using clever methods and to find out information faster. Similarly, clients could be used to ask for things from the server and to retrieve data.

The server is normally installed on a central and more powerful machine (2Gb free disk space,8Gb RAM fast network access) where people can connect via network. Then everyone can use clients to feed information to it, from their computers.

We have set up a demo server for you to test and a ready to use web-client is provided (click on the Demo on the menu bar). This you could use to see what can eGenVar do for you.

As there are many eGenVar servers on different computers (sometimes two in one computer) we use the term instance to refer to an installation. Special feature of eGenVar system is different instances can talk to each other. Therefore, if you ask from a eGenVar server instance for something, it will give you the results in two ways; first is whether it has it or not and the second is the location of the server instance which has it. This feature is called Sync and available via the administrator menu of the server.